April 1, 2015

SCSC letter to the media welcoming greater rights for children and young people in care

As a coalition we were delighted to see extra support and greater rights for children and young people in care comes into force this week. Following a long and hard campaign, which we were delighted to be involved in, all teenagers in residential, foster or kinship care who turn 16 will now be entitled to […]
March 18, 2015

SCSC letter to the media asking Scottish Government to use Barnett Formula consequentials for investment in child and adolescent mental health services

As a coalition whose members deliver specialist care and education services for children and young people with complex needs, we have written to the Scottish Government, urging it to use the opportunity of increased spending by the UK Government on mental health services in England in the Budget to address the current crisis in mental […]
February 24, 2015

Half Scotland’s Health Boards fail to meet waiting time target to access child and adolescent mental health services

NHS Scotland as a whole fails to meet target dating from March 2013 5 health boards fail to meet target dating from March 2013: NHS Fife, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Tayside, NHS Grampian, NHS Lothian A leading coalition of independent and third sector children and young people’s service providers has renewed its call on the Scottish […]
February 17, 2015

SCSC letter to the media calling for more young people with ASN to get into Modern Apprenticeships

We are greatly encouraged to learn that the Scottish Government is on course to exceed its target of 25,000 new modern apprenticeships (MAs) this year and warmly welcome the two percent increase in numbers of those in MAs from the same time last year. Clearly the Scottish Government is to be commended on the positive […]
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